MCP FetchMCP Fetch

A Model Context Protocol server that provides web content fetching capabilities.



Retrieves URLs from the Internet and extracts their content as markdown. Images from the page will be processed and included with the response automatically. Parameters: - url (required): The URL to fetch - maxLength (default: 20000): Maximum length of content to return - startIndex (default: 0): Starting position in content - imageStartIndex (default: 0): Starting position for image collection - raw (default: false): Return raw content instead of processed markdown - imageMaxCount (default: 3): Maximum number of images to process per request - imageMaxHeight (default: 4000): Maximum height of merged image - imageMaxWidth (default: 1000): Maximum width of merged image - imageQuality (default: 80): JPEG quality (1-100) - disableImages (default: true): Skip image processing - ignoreRobotsTxt (default: false): Ignore robots.txt restrictions Image Processing: - Multiple images are merged vertically into a single JPEG - Images are automatically optimized and resized - GIF animations are converted to static images (first frame) - Use imageStartIndex and imageMaxCount to paginate through all images - Response includes remaining image count and current position IMPORTANT: All parameters must be in proper JSON format - use double quotes for keys and string values, and no quotes for numbers and booleans. Examples: # Initial fetch: { "url": "", "maxLength": 10000, "imageMaxCount": 2 } # Fetch next set of images: { "url": "", "imageStartIndex": 2, "imageMaxCount": 2 }


Install Command

Use this server with Claude Desktop.

Server Statistics

UsageUsed 146 times last month
    MCP Fetch | Smithery