Retrieves URLs from the Internet and extracts their content as markdown.
Images from the page will be processed and included with the response automatically.
- url (required): The URL to fetch
- maxLength (default: 20000): Maximum length of content to return
- startIndex (default: 0): Starting position in content
- imageStartIndex (default: 0): Starting position for image collection
- raw (default: false): Return raw content instead of processed markdown
- imageMaxCount (default: 3): Maximum number of images to process per request
- imageMaxHeight (default: 4000): Maximum height of merged image
- imageMaxWidth (default: 1000): Maximum width of merged image
- imageQuality (default: 80): JPEG quality (1-100)
- disableImages (default: true): Skip image processing
- ignoreRobotsTxt (default: false): Ignore robots....