Provides tools for interacting with Redis databases.
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides access to Redis database operations.
## Available Tools
| Tool | Type | Description | Input Schema |
| hmset | Hash Command | Set multiple hash fields to multiple values | `key`: string (Hash key)<br>`fields`: object (Field-value pairs to set) |
| hget | Hash Command | Get the value of a hash field | `key`: string (Hash key)<br>`field`: string (Field to get) |
| hgetall | Hash Command | Get all fields and values in a hash | `key`: string (Hash key) |
| scan | Key Command | Scan Redis keys matching a pattern | `pattern`: string (Pattern to match, e.g., "user:*")<br>`count`: number, optional (Number of keys to return) |
| set | String Command | Set string value with optional NX and PX options | `key`: string (Key to set)<br>`value`: string (Value to set)<br>`nx`: boolean, optional (Only set if not exists)<br>`px`: number, optional (Expiry in milliseconds) |
| get | String Command | Get string value | `key`: string (Key to get) |
| del | Key Command | Delete a key | `key`: string (Key to delete) |
| zadd | Sorted Set Command | Add one or more members to a sorted set | `key`: string (Sorted set key)<br>`members`: array of objects with `score`: number and `value`: string |
| zrange | Sorted Set Command | Return a range of members from a sorted set by index | `key`: string (Sorted set key)<br>`start`: number (Start index)<br>`stop`: number (Stop index)<br>`withScores`: boolean, optional (Include scores in output) |
| zrangebyscore | Sorted Set Command | Return members from a sorted set with scores between min and max | `key`: string (Sorted set key)<br>`min`: number (Minimum score)<br>`max`: number (Maximum score)<br>`withScores`: boolean, optional (Include scores in output) |
| zrem | Sorted Set Command | Remove one or more members from a sorted set | `key`: string (Sorted set key)<br>`members`: array of strings (Members to remove) |
| sadd | Set Command | Add one or more members to a set | `key`: string (Set key)<br>`members`: array of strings (Members to add to the set) |
| smembers | Set Command | Get all members in a set | `key`: string (Set key) |
## Command Line Arguments
- `--redis-host`: Redis server host (default: localhost)
- `--redis-port`: Redis server port (default: 6379)
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