Fetch and manage employee data, earnings, and pay statements from Paylocity seamlessly. Access comprehensive employee information and insights through a secure API integration. Simplify your HR processes with real-time data retrieval and management capabilities.
Fetch all employees for a company. Args: company_id: Optional company ID (string or integer). If not provided, uses the first company ID from configuration.
Fetch details for a specific employee. Args: company_id: Optional company ID (string or integer). If not provided, uses the first company ID from configuration. employee_id: Employee ID (string or integer) to get details for.
Fetch earnings data for a specific employee. Args: company_id: Optional company ID (string or integer). If not provided, uses the first company ID from configuration. employee_id: Employee ID (string or integer) to get earnings for.
Fetch company codes for a specific resource. Args: company_id: Optional company ID (string or integer). If not provided, uses the first company ID from configuration. code_resource: Code resource to fetch (e.g., 'earnings', 'deductions', 'costcenter1', etc.)