Add a project to Todoist
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Get a project from Todoist
Update a project in Todoist
Delete a project in Todoist
Move a task to a parent in Todoist
Get all collaborators from a project in Todoist
Add a task to Todoist
Retrieves a task by its ID in Todoist
Get all tasks from Todoist
Update a task in Todoist
Close (complete) a task in Todoist
Move a task to a different project in Todoist
Move a task to a different section in Todoist
Delete a task from a project in Todoist
Reopens a previously closed (completed) task in Todoist
Add a section to a project in Todoist
Get section details in Todoist
Get all sections from a project in Todoist
Update a section in Todoist
Delete a section from a project in Todoist
Add a comment to a project in Todoist
Add a comment to a task in Todoist
Get a comment from a task or project in Todoist
Update a comment in Todoist
Delete a comment from a task in Todoist
Get comments from a task in Todoist
Get comments from a project in Todoist
Add a label to a task in Todoist
Delete a label from Todoist
Update a label in Todoist
Get a label from Todoist
Get all labels in Todoist
Retrieves a list of shared labels in Todoist
Remove shared label in Todoist
Rename a shared label in Todoist