Fetches detailed information about a Hive blockchain account including balance, authority, voting power, and other account metrics.
Retrieves transaction history for a Hive account with optional operation type filtering.
Get a list of vesting delegations made by a specific Hive account
Retrieves a specific Hive blog post identified by author and permlink, including the post title, content, and metadata.
Retrieves Hive posts filtered by a specific tag and sorted by a category like trending, hot, or created.
Retrieves posts authored by or in the feed of a specific Hive user.
Vote on a Hive post (upvote or downvote) using the configured Hive account.
Send HIVE or HBD tokens to another Hive account using the configured account credentials.
Create a new blog post on the Hive blockchain using the configured account credentials.
Create a comment on an existing Hive post or reply to another comment.
Sign a message using a Hive private key from environment variables.
Verify a digital signature against a Hive public key
Fetch current Hive blockchain properties and statistics
Encrypt a message for a specific Hive account using memo encryption
Decrypt an encrypted message received from a specific Hive account
Send an encrypted message to a Hive account using a small token transfer
Retrieve encrypted messages from account history with optional decryption