Provides cloud browser automation capabilities using Stagehand, enabling LLMs to interact with web pages, take screenshots, and execute JavaScript in a cloud browser environment.
Navigate to a URL in the browser. Only use this tool with URLs you're confident will work and stay up to date. Otheriwse use as the starting point
Performs an action on a web page element. Act actions should be as atomic and specific as possible, i.e. "Click the sign in button" or "Type 'hello' into the search input". AVOID actions that are more than one step, i.e. "Order me pizza" or "Send an email to Paul asking him to call me".
Extracts all of the text from the current page.
Observes elements on the web page. Use this tool to observe elements that you can later use in an action. Use observe instead of extract when dealing with actionable (interactable) elements rather than text. More often than not, you'll want to use extract instead of observe when dealing with scraping or extracting structured text.
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