Integrate Verodat's data management capabilities with AI systems seamlessly.
WHEN TO USE: - When setting up a new data structure from scratch - When you need to store a new type of data with specific validation rules - When creating companion datasets - When separating data into different logical collections - When you need to enforce specific data types and mandatory fields Tool Description: Creates a new dataset with defined schema and validation rules in a specified workspace. Required parameters: - accountId: Target account ID - workspaceId: Target workspace ID - name: Dataset name (must be unique) - targetFields: Array of field definitions Each targetField must have: - name: Field identifier (e.g., "customer_id") - type: One of ["string", "number", "integer", "date"] - mandatory: Boolean indicating if field is required - Optional: isKeyComponent (boolean), description (string) Example usage: Creating a customer dataset: { "accountId": 123, "workspaceId": 123, "name": "Customer_Database", "description": "Customer information tracking system", "targetFields": [ { "name": "customer_id", "type": "string", "mandatory": true, "isKeyComponent": true, "description": "Unique customer identifier" }, { "name": "join_date", "type": "date", "mandatory": true } ] }
WHEN TO USE: - When you need to list all available datasets in a workspace - When checking if a specific dataset exists - When displaying dataset metadata to users - When finding datasets by state (DRAFT/STAGE/PUBLISHED) - When you need to know the last update time of datasets - Before performing operations that require dataset IDs - Use default filter = 'vscope=PUBLISHED and vstate=ACTIVE' when filter is not available from request - Use other tools like get-accounts and get-workspaces to retrieve the account and workspace IDs when they are not provided in the request. Tool Description: Retrieves datasets from a workspace with filtering capabilities. Required parameters: - workspaceId: Workspace ID to query - accountId: accountId where workspace is located - filter: vscope and vstate value Optional parameters: - max: Maximum records to return (default: 9999) - offset: Pagination offset (default: 0) Common filter patterns: - Published & Active: "vscope=PUBLISHED and vstate=ACTIVE" Example usage: Getting draft datasets: { "accountId": 123, "workspaceId": 123, "filter": "vscope=DRAFT and vstate=ACTIVE" }
WHEN TO USE: - When you need to read actual data stored in a dataset - When analyzing data for reporting or visualization - When validating data quality or completeness - When exporting data for external use - When searching for specific records within a dataset - When paginating through large datasets - When filtering data based on specific criteria - Use default filter = 'vscope=PUBLISHED and vstate=ACTIVE' when filter is not available from request - Use other tools like get-accounts and get-workspaces to retrieve the account and workspace IDs when they are not provided in the request. Tool Description: Retrieves actual data records from a dataset with filtering and pagination. Required parameters: - datasetId: dataset ID to get data output for - workspaceId: Workspace ID to query - accountId: where workspace is located - filter: vscope and vstate value Optional parameters: - max: Maximum records (default: 9999) - offset: Pagination offset (default: 0) Example usage: Getting recent customer records: { "accountId": 123, "workspaceId": 123, "datasetId": 456, "filter": "vscope=DRAFT and vstate=ACTIVE", "max": 9999 }
WHEN TO USE: - At the start of operations to identify available accounts - When switching between different accounts - When validating user access permissions - When displaying account selection options to users - When needing the account ID for other operations - Before performing any workspace-related operations - When mapping account IDs to account names Tool Description: Retrieves available accounts for the authenticated user.